String Functions
stpchr search for a character in a string
stpcpy string copy
strbpl build string pointer
strcat concatenate strings
strchr find character in string
strcmp compare strings
strcpy string copy
strcspn scan string for a character
strdup duplicate string
strerror return error string
strftime convert time to string
stricmp compare strings (case insensitive)
strins insert a string
strlen return length of string
strnact concatenate strings
strncmp compare strings
strncpy string copy (length limited)
strnicmp compare strings (case insensitive, length limited)
strpbrk find break character in string
strrchr scan string for a character (backward)
strspn span of characters in string
strstr find sub-string in string
strtod convert string to double
strtok tokenize a string
strtol convert string to long
strtoul convert string to [unsigned] long